To Homepage Searching

Overview Search expressions Operators used in search expressions
Examples of valid search expressions Free text search and Indexed search Multi-file searching
Search Theasurus


Searching is performed by two fundamentally different mechanisms in GetARef: free text search and indexed search. Whereas the first doesn't require any preparation at all, the reference file must first has been indexed with the latter. The user interface is identical for free and indexed searches but the search mode is selected by the user by setting a check box in the search dialog.

Both mechanisms can be used with any of three related commands used to search for references:

Find is used to find the next reference containing (or not containing) certain text strings. This command is similar to Edit|Find text in a word processor except that GetARef will find the next reference containing the text rather than just the entered text.

Tag is used to tag one or several references on the basis of their content.

Locate is used to locate one or several references without tagging them. This command is a powerful alternative to complex tag expressions.

For all three search command, search expressions are entered in a similar fashion.

Back to Top Search expressions

Click for full viewA search string  is simply a sequence of characters. One or several search strings with or without an operator comprise a search expression To examples.

The simplest possible search expression thus consists of a single character but more likely one would enter a word or part of a word, for instance: man

When searching for ‘man' GetARef would find not only the word man but also human, manual, woman, etc., i.e., GetARef literally looks for the sequence of letters comprising the search strings of a search expression.

Back to Top Operators used in search expressions

The operators available in GetARef are all 'Boolean', i.e., they return either TRUE or FALSE because either a text string exists in a reference or it doesn't.

Standard operators
AND x AND y is TRUE if both x and y are true
OR x OR y is TRUE if either x is true, y is true or both are true
XOR x XOR y is TRUE if only one of x and y is true.
NOT(a) NOT(x) is true if x is false (and false if x is true).
Extended operators
ANY(a, b,.., n) ANY(x, y, z) is true if any of x, y or z is true.
NONE(a, b,.., n) NONE(x, y, z) is true if none of x, y, or z is true.
ALL(a, b,.., n) ALL(x, y, z) is true if all of x, y, or z are true
NEAR(x, y, n) NEAR(x, y, n) is true if both string x and y can be found and they are within ‘n’ characters (if ‘n’ is omitted a default value of 10 characters is used)
Boolean functions
TAGGED TAGGED is true if the reference is already tagged.
LOCATED LOCATED is true if the reference is already located.
Field operators (for searching specific fields)
ID(text) Identification string
AU(text) Author field
TI(text) Title field
YVP(text) Year, volume and page field
SO(text) Source field
ED(text) Editor field
PU(text) Publisher field
CI(text) City field
AB(text) Abstract/comment field

Back to Top Examples of valid search expressions

muscle AND ATPas TRUE for references containing both words. The expression muscle and ATPas would be taken as a literal text string because and doesn't appear in upper cases.
ALL(muscle, ATPas, myoglobin, lactic acid) TRUE for references containing all four words. In this case, an equivalent expression would be muscle AND ATPas AND myoglobin AND lactic acid.
muscle AND ANY(lactic acid, potassium) TRUE for references containing muscle and at least one of the words passed to the ANY operator.
TAGGED AND ANY(woman, women, female) TRUE for already tagged references containing one of the synonyms for female.
muscle AND human OR primate TRUE for reference containing either the word primate or both muscle and human (AND has a higher ‘priority’ than OR).  Parentheses can be used to avoid ambiguities: muscle AND (human OR primate); or one of the multi-argument operators: muscle AND ANY(human, primate).
NOT(gorilla) AND skeletal muscle AND ANY(human, primate) Would include all references dealing with muscles and primates except for those dealing with gorillas.
oxygen AND ALL("2,3-DPG", erythrocyte)
In multi-argument operators such as ALL, use citation signs to enclose text strings that contain a comma sign. Without the citation signs, GetARef would, with the given example, assume that ALL received 3 'arguments': 2 and 3-DPG and erythrocyte.
AU(Smith) AND 1985-89 TRUE for references with Smith as one of the authors and published in the period 1985 to 1989 (year ranges are only useful with indexed searches).
Brown, B AND <1980 TRUE for references with Smith as an author and published before 1980 (year ranges are only useful with indexed searches).
!serotonin AND !calcium
TRUE for references containing serotonin and calcium and of their synonyms. The '!' character in front of serotonin and calcium indicates that GetARef should check the user-defined Thesaurus for synonyms to these words. If no synonyms are found, GetARef still would search for serotonin and calcium.
NEAR(calcium, phosphate, 5) TRUE for references with calcium and phosphate within 5 characters (the NEAR operator cannot be used with indexed searches).
NEAR(calcium, phosphate) Because no distance was included as a last parameter to the NEAR operator, this expression is TRUE for references with calcium and phosphate within 10 characters.

Back to Top Free text search and Indexed search

Free text search

When GetARef performs a free text search in a reference file, the file is literally scanned from beginning to end. The time required to search a file is proportional to the size of the file. Yet searching is very fast: a file containging 4-5000 references (4-6 MB) is processed within a second or so.

Indexed search

Indexed search is used in GetARef in the following contexts:

To improve search speed for large reference files
For multi-file searching
To take advantage of GetARef's Search Thesaurus

Click for a full viewCreating an index for a reference file takes some time but is comparatively fast, e.g., a 2.2 MB file can be indexed in less than 5 seconds.

By default, all fields can be searched also with an indexed search but is's also possible to enable indexed searching for specific fields.

Back to Top Multi-file searching

It's possible to search a group of files with a single command.

It's easy to define a file group and it may contain files located on, for instance, a network server.

Click for full view When a file group has been searched, GetARef reports the result in a special dialog and makes it possible to open any of the files that belong to the file group. Click for full view

Tillbaks Search Thesausus

GetARef’s Search Thesaurus is simply a list of search terms organized by ‘group names’. Some examples are

Group name Members
primate human, monkey, ape, woman, women
calcium ca++, ca2+
serotonin 5-HT
GroupInRome Defroucht, Zipproni, Zapona, Amorosa
acidity pH, H+

Using examples from table above, to search for references containing the word calcium by any author belonging to 'group in Rome' one would use the following search expression:

!calcium AND !GroupInRome

I.e., by inserting '!' in front of a word, GetARef will check if the entered string can be found in the Search Thesaurus and will always include the group name itself in the search.


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Last modified: 2004-02-02 16:19.